Selling on Marketplaces: Are Your Processes Ready?
Marketplaces are the largest digital D2C distribution channel. Get ready for the KPIs in digital marketplace distribution that measure whether your brand is ready to meet today’s demanding end-consumer needs.
Will Price Wars Be the New Normal on Otto.de?
Otto.de currently operates a ‘closed’ marketplace system, where a product is sold only by one supplier at a time. Rumours have it that this may soon change – will price wars become the new norm for your brand?
Partner Retail Transparency
Everything you should know about your potential partner retailer’s business and how to get the information you need.
There are many reasons why it makes sense to conquer a market through reliable retail partners. Besides the shared risk, lower investment and faster growth, you may want to benefit from your partner retailer’s deeper understanding of the market – the local players, dynamics (e.g. real estate and channel development) and consumer behaviours – before opening your own retail stores. (more…)
How to win Customers with Last Mile Delivery Management
Expectations for same-day delivery tripled in a year. Learn why retailers & brands have to prioritize work on their Last Mile Delivery Management.
How to Benefit from Bestseller Management Immediately
Bestseller Management is one of the most important processes to improve sell-through and mark-down in the consumer goods industry. What KPI helps identify bestsellers and make smart decisions about them?
Some companies like Zara, Kennel & Schmenger or s.Oliver excel at managing bestsellers. While Zara works with sophisticated analytics to alter bestselling styles by fabric, color or detailing, s.Oliver masters bestseller management to a degree that endangers its potential to innovate.
Adidas Best Practice Brand Distribution Strategy
Aiming for the world’s most affluent consumers in highly competitive environments: Adidas’ ‘Top City Strategy 2020’ is at halfway, what is best practice and what can you learn for your business?
It’s widely known that consumer markets and brand distribution channels have fundamentally changed over the past 25 years in more ways than anticipated. Fact is, the internet as a brand distribution channel grew from 0 to commonly 8-15% of sales. But far more relevant from a commercial and strategic perspective is that many formerly emerging countries, especially China and countries in the Middle East and Central Europe, grew to 30-40% of total sales and profits in lifestyle brand distribution.
Size Matters! 4 High and Low Tech Solutions for Fashion Size Finding
Fashion size finding remains a challenge for retailers and consumers. Choose the right fit for you from our shortlist of size finding technologies.
Finding the right size is of course crucial when shopping for fashion. It is therefore no big surprise that failing to find the correct size or fit is the reason that consumers mention most frequently for aborting a shopping experience, both online and in brick and mortar stores.
E-Commerce Platforms: Challenges & Opportunities for Brands
Large platforms like Amazon, Zalando or Asos increasingly dominate digital distribution. Should brands be worried?
In their report The state of fashion, published in late 2017, McKinsey point out that online shopping is increasingly dominated by large platforms like Amazon, Zalando or Asos.
What’s in It for You? VF’s Icebreaker Acquisition
Let me take you on a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities behind VF’s recent Icebreaker acquisition. What’s in it for the brand, its new owner, and the consumer?
Marketplaces Are Now the Biggest Digital Distribution Channel for Brands
Digital distribution via marketplaces is big business. The choice of marketplaces is large. Selecting the right ones and operational execution are key.
Germany’s Bundesverband Onlinehandel (BVOH) teamed up with the agency p.digital to conduct a study about the state of the e-commerce marketplace industry. The study ‘Marketplaces Across the World’ charts 335 marketplaces in Europe alone and lists over 740 globally.
These findings alone make obvious that e-commerce marketplaces in Europe and globally have become an important channel of distribution. But there is more:
Topshop Left, Where Does That Leave Brand Expansion to New Zealand?
Reaching a realistic assessment of New Zealand’s brand distribution potential.
Topshop and Topman have permanently closed shop in New Zealand, is the country still a viable option for brand expansion?
Topshop Files Administration – Is Brand Distribution Australia ‘Drowned Under’?
Reaching a realistic assessment of Australia’s brand distribution potential.
Six years after launching the brand in Australia, UK fast fashion retailer Topshop Australia is forced into administration.
Is Your Retail Format Ready for International Expansion? Part I
The days, when brands could establish a successful retail format at home and just roll it out internationally without major adaptations, are long over.
Customer centricity is the new holy grail in the retail business, promising prosperity and success for any retail format. Surprisingly, many brands still start to roll-out a retail format without even trying to understand whether and how consumers and their behaviors differ in a new market. This post illustrates what to explore and adapt to establish a successful retail format when going international.
1000 Myths, 60 Locations & 5 Formats – The Facts about the Amazon Retail Strategy
Amid many myths and rumors, this research sheds light on the facts, corporate communication, and the evidence from physical store openings. Long quality read.
Imagine you own 43% of your online market, and 50% of the online growth, but 85% of your market continues to be brick & mortar? Imagine (more…)
Brand Distribution: Why Now Is the Time for Mexico
Reaching a realistic assessment of Mexico’s brand distribution potential
As the second largest retail market in Latin America, Mexico has long been considered an attractive market for international retail brands. With Brazil in recession, Mexico has been able to further improve its position. The country is now on the radar of current and new players seeking to conquer market share. (more…)
Is your Outlet Strategy Princess or Cinderella?
Factory outlets are brands’ most profitable retail distribution method; and a bricks-&-mortar market still growing. We shed light on the outlet strategy of top brands.
Today Düsseldorf witnessed a unique and crazy retail premiere. The grand dame of New York department store retail, Saks 5th Avenue landed its first store in Europe, Saks OFF 5th: an outlet.
Redefining Retail Space Management Through Augmented Reality
Digital distribution reshapes the role of retail stores and already today, we see brands and retailers setting themselves apart. By using augmented reality tools like Microsoft’s HoloLens to rethink space management, they improve the shopper experience through the whole journey.
International Expansion – How to Find the Best Distribution Model?
Selecting the most appropriate channel mix – using the optimal distribution model for any new market – is like finding your way in a multidimensional maze. It is one of the most complex and risky decisions top management has to make, as each market comes with its own set of conditions and requirements.
There is plenty of information available about characteristics of the different distribution channels. Therefore, in this post I would like to focus on how to select the best distribution model for your brand. A distribution model that allows you to expand into the targeted channels in a specific country in your market segment!
Lululemon vs Under Armour: Is it Barbie vs Ken or about Qualitative Brand Growth?
In the competitive sporting goods industry, not many brands succeed in reaching the top, but Lululemon and Under Armour have. We outline how they created brand growth and whether they have the potential to stay on top.
Over the last couple of years some sporting goods brands have managed to gain visibility and market share and two of them – Lululemon and Under Armour – have shown an outstanding brand growth development. (more…)