

A strategy is brand’s master plan how to evolve its business successfully. A strategy can be worked out one or several functional areas of a business. Common functional strategies are a marketing strategy, a sourcing strategy or a retail strategy.Global lifestyle brands easily distribute to 80 markets, with each up to 10 different distribution channels. That provides many opportunities to grow and add complexity. While jumping on each market may prove lucky, growth can easily go very wrong. For that matter, it is good to have a well-planed brand growth strategy.In this section of our blog we share strategy views and best practice examples of key brands, and analyse what you can learn for your own brand strategy.

Can Peloton Reverse a Long History of Failed Fitness Fads?

Does Peloton’s brand strategy have the right ingredients for long-term success or is the brand doomed to join the fitness industry’s long list of short-lived fads? ….. click for more inspiration

Post Pandemic is pre next Crisis – Revise your Brand Growth Strategy and Planning in 2022

Brand markets have changed fundamentally post covid, post Ukraine war. This growth stategy update is an inspirational reminder to review brand distribution strategies weeks ahead of your planning and budgeting. ….. click for more inspiration

8 Tips How to Overcome Supply Chain Challenges in Fashion

49% of fashion executives signal that supply chain disruptions will be the top issue for 2022. This article explores why and provides tips how to mitigate these challenges. ….. click for more inspiration

The Global Supply Chain Crisis (and How Elon Musk Would Solve It)

The global fashion supply chain is going through the worst crisis in decades. Deliveries experience delays every day, and costs are rising exponentially. ….. click for more inspiration

Why Store-nostalgia Won’t Suffice: 7 Changes in the Retail Landscape You Don’t Want to Miss in Your Upcoming Strategy Iterations

Seven thought-provoking impulses on how to navigate the post-Covid retail landscape. Spoiler alert: You will need to get your online strategy up to scratch! ….. click for more inspiration

Selling Brand Experience, LEGO’s Secret to Success

Brands like Nike or Apple create outstanding brand experiences. But LEGO beats them all; here’s how they do it and why their turnaround brand strategy worked so well. ….. click for more inspiration

How to get Quality into your Brand Strategy and Planning

Key learnings of 30 years brand strategy and planning. Tips how to improve your brand growth planning, today. ….. click for more inspiration

Everything Will Be Alright Dear Brand & Retail Industry

Andrà tutto bene in the brand & retail industry? This is about an expert pandemic, future pacing, a little bit of motivation and no bad news at all. From your blog’s curators. ….. click for more inspiration

Advanced Board Reporting, or How Controlling Can Enable Supervisory Best Practice

Change is becoming the only constant. What does it take for supervisory boards and CFOs to keep up with time and new requirements of advanced board reporting? ….. click for more inspiration

Drive Dynamic Brand Growth or Maintain Profitability: EBIT vs. EBITDA KPI Slam

Two seasoned finance and retail brand managers provide a deep insight on pitfalls and challenges of managing successful retail and brand growth ….. click for more inspiration

Strategic Brand Management at its Best

In 2019, shoppers love unique products and great brand stories. If on top of that you sell upcycled products and are a niche company from a small country, you have all the ingredients for a memorable brand story. Learn how Freitag excels at brand development. ….. click for more inspiration

How to Manage Successful Brand Post-Merger Integration

Far over 100 lifestyle brands are taken over every year. While a majority of post-merger integrations fail, here’s what the successful ones have in common. ….. click for more inspiration

Driving Customer Lifetime Value with Brand Loyalty Programs

Growth rates in online retail are slowing down. Successful brands increase customer loyalty and per customer spend by focusing on membership programmes. ….. click for more inspiration

How to Steer Brand Growth with Supervisory Management

Shareholders can toy with their investment by placing friends and family on the supervisory board or assemble a team of experts who will challenge and coach executive management towards quality growth and profits. ….. click for more inspiration

Customer Acquisition Online: Challenges and Opportunities for Brands

Building a successful e-commerce business requires a strong online customer acquisition strategy, especially when the competition are big platforms like Amazon or Zalando. How can brands leverage their strengths to compete? ….. click for more inspiration

Brand Development for the Future: Back to the Basics

Successful brand development relies on getting three key areas right: having a unique selling proposition (USP), working with the right people, and creating simple and lean processes. ….. click for more inspiration

Driving Brand Growth with Private Equity

Brand private equity investments have increased, but not all have been success stories. So how can PE & brands work together successfully? ….. click for more inspiration

Empowering Shoppers and Brands: The Latest Trends in Online Fashion Retail

Online fashion shoppers and brands expect more from digital shopping than a ‘scroll and buy’ experience. New trends are redefining online fashion retail, are you following them? ….. click for more inspiration

Branding in 3D: How Edited Retail is Catering to the Attention Economy

Technology and new expectations have made confident, purposeful ranging a more valuable asset than ever before. In the attention economy, edited retail rules! ….. click for more inspiration

Burberry: Classic Design with a Future-proof Retail Strategy?

Burberry invokes tradition, craftsmanship and classic design. But with its innovative retail strategy, Burberry has a few things to teach the industry too! ….. click for more inspiration