
Brand Retail

Brand retailing is the brand industries’ strategy to grow brand appearance and sales with physical stores. Often it is called mono-brand retail (in opposite to multi-brand retail). Be it flagship stores, factory outlets, partner stores, franchise stores, concession stores or other forms, brand retail comes in various shapes. Brand retail is a highly visible brand footprint. Especially flagship stores deliver a strong brand experience, but they also carry financial huge risks. We share in this section from brand retail, the success stories, the KPIs and strategies. We outline what drives brand retail performances, both commercially and branding-wise.

The End of the Endless Aisle

An introduction to assortment planning for physical stores: How to approach it and what factors to consider. ….. click for more inspiration

Store Operations Excellence: Why All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Online stores continue to gain market shares, making it crucial for brick and mortar stores to defend their piece of the cake. An exceptional customer experience and store operations excellence are two promising strategies to keep customers coming despite more convenient channels. ….. click for more inspiration

The Art of Creating Successful Store Concepts: Manage the Complexity Trap

The likes of Amazon and Alibaba open tech-heavy brick & mortar stores, but best-practice commercial brand retail still happens elsewhere. ….. click for more inspiration

Johnnie Walker Princes Street: A Global Flagship Experience Creates Brand Love

How to inspire consumers to reconnect with a brand at risk of being crowded out of the public imagination? Let’s explore how Johnnie Walker created a flagship experience to let visitors and locals get back in touch with Scotch Whisky. ….. click for more inspiration

War for Talent: Recruiting Post-Covid

Recruiting is picking up again – a clear indication that, at least economically, we’re beginning to see the end of the pandemic. Across the board, companies are looking for skilled workers. ….. click for more inspiration

Why Digital-First Brands are Turning to Brick & Mortar Stores

Digitally native brands planned to disrupt the retail landscape by selling only through E-commerce. Learn why, despite all the hype, they are now looking to brick & mortar stores to drive growth and profitability. ….. click for more inspiration

Time to Build a Home Textile Collection

Immune to Covid-19 and experiencing steady growth over the past three years, the global home textile market is expected to grow at an even faster pace to reach USD 133.37 billion by 2025. ….. click for more inspiration

Learnings from a True Entrepreneur: Frances Jerard

Have you ever wondered whether you have the entrepreneur gene and what it takes to build a brand? Frances Jerard, a multi-talented designer from New Zealand built her brand from scratch and currently shows it in her Berlin pop-up store. ….. click for more inspiration

Experience and Tech: The Rise of the Destination Store

Excluding the pandemic, nothing has had a greater influence on the resurgence of ‘the store as destination’ than Gen Z. While Gen X and Millennials started to shun the mall in droves, it is the so-called ‘selfie-generation’ that is now seeking out new ways to interact with products before they purchase. ….. click for more inspiration

Will the Apparel Industry Help Save or Continue to Harm the Environment?

The apparel industry is a significant environmental polluter. Some brands are tackling the challenge of recycling used clothing, but the issue might require more draconian steps. ….. click for more inspiration

The Future of Brand Flagship Stores: Strategy Update

In the middle of global store lockdowns, 100+ lifestyle brands announce the opening of new flagship stores. Flagship stores boom despite internet. Why is flagship retail important, what is the next generation, and where to find them? ….. click for more inspiration

Managing Brand Retail Operations in Times of Cross Channel Journeys

Brand growth retail management already has many KPIs. What Retail Operations KPIs do you use to measure the payback of your investment? ….. click for more inspiration

Can New Business Models Help Save the US Retail Marketplace?

Retailers and landlords are scrambling to figure out how to survive as consumers have accelerated the shift to e-commerce. Will they be able to reinvent themselves or become one of the many businesses weakened by the Covid-19 pandemic? ….. click for more inspiration

CO2 emissions – the final blow for retail stores?

Offline fashion purchases lead to 3x more emissions than those made online. Could this lead to a paradigm shift for both consumers and the fashion industry? ….. click for more inspiration

Rethinking store processes & merchandise management

Cutting store costs became popular, but lower head count costs retail productivity and flexibility. Here’s how to do Post Covid Retail right. ….. click for more inspiration

Clothing Rental Subscriptions: Will Leasing Surpass Buying?

More and more industries are moving from buying to leasing subscription models. We discuss the pros and cons of leasing versus owning your wardrobe. ….. click for more inspiration

Post-Covid City Centres: Deserted Wastelands or Thriving Hubs?

Much has been said and written about the disaster the pandemic has brought to the global retail landscape. This post highlights challenges and opportunities for retail and social life in our post Covid-19 city centres. ….. click for more inspiration

Ship From Store: Omnichannel Best Practice?

More and more brands are now shipping from store. Could ship from store be an option for you? This article explores the benefits and cost. ….. click for more inspiration

Used Clothing: Changing the Paradigm for Business and the Environment

Leading apparel brands are tackling the challenge of recycling used clothing, helping to solve a major environmental issue while capitalising on a growing business opportunity. ….. click for more inspiration

Cheese Please! A Lesson in Brand Building

How to turn cheese from an every-day commodity into a sought-after lifestyle brand? Join us for a brand building lesson with Cheese & More by Henri Willig. ….. click for more inspiration