
New Diesel CEO – Exclusive Preview of first Applications

As you probably saw last week, Renzo Rosso is advertising one of the hottest chairs in brand growth: CEO of Diesel.

It turns out that the video is actually meant to market the job of a Diesel testimonial (‘Chair Executive Officer’). The successful candidate will be hired for a week and must first and foremost demonstrate excellence in creative sitting.

I don’t want to jump the gun and spoil Renzo’s recruiting interviews, but I have some hot candidates in my recruiting file that I’m happy to share:


Sitting Bull: A candidate with strong similarities to Diesel’s logo.


Vin Diesel: A rough man with enough tattoos to compete with Renzo. But will Renzo be happy when people believe Vin to be the founder of Diesel?


Or an Italian at Oktoberfest: experienced in sitting pretty much anywhere, even after a very long night. Or is he exercising his bow because he missed the sales again?


Wolfgang Schäuble: A man in transition, the iron fist for saving costs, someone to clean up Diesel’s finances.


Or more creative option, Choupette: Karl’s cat, an advertising professional, experienced in promoting Japanese cosmetics as well German cars (Opel). Choupette will also bring 100.000+ Instagram followers, 50.000 Twitter followers and 40.000+ Facebook fans.


Buddha: Someone who has experienced sitting for centuries and is well positioned for reaching Asian growth markets.


Frank Zappa: Nobody will sit on a throne more casually.

It’s unknown whether excellent chair executives also have a chance to apply for the chief executive post, but after the early departure of Alessandro Bogliolo the new candidate needs standing power to work alongside Renzo.

About the author
As founder & CEO of Suits. Executive Search Jürgen is a specialist in finding truly fitting executives. In the earlier stages of business life, Jürgen was the chief editor at Textilwirtschaft. In his very popular blog Profashionals he continues to share his great journalistic esprit with us. For a personal discussion, you can best reach Jürgen by mail.

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